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The Hampton Roads Committee of 200+ Men is a regional organization of men, influencing and building better communities by encouraging, inspiring and enabling African American young people and adults to reach their highest potential. 

Caravan to

The 200+ Men Caravan to Richmond is a civic education initiative that exposes 200+ Men members and African American youth to the legislative process. Young men from area high schools, with 200+ mentors and chaperones, take a day trip by bus to Richmond to visit state lawmakers and experience, first-hand, the inner workings of our representative democracy. They learn how bills become laws through a process that requires negotiation and compromise. The students and 200+ Men members are introduced in the Senate Chamber by an elected representative from Hampton Roads. The day concludes with a guided tour of the State Capitol.


The Scholars Academy is a mentoring program developed by 200+ Men Inc. to help African American young men graduate from high school with the necessary skills to be productive citizens, prepared for higher education, professional training, or the work world. The program includes guest speakers, field trips and other activities, and students are afforded the opportunity to interact with successful role models in business, politics, public service and other walks of life. The Application Process opens annually from June 15 to August 15. Once it closes, you may add your son(s) information to our Interest List and we will contact you in June.

For more information about the program, view the Scholars Academy Brochure.

Samuel DeWitt
Proctor Forums

The 200+ Men Inc. established the Samuel DeWitt Proctor Forum Series to present noted speakers to the community. Speakers have included George C. Fraser, author of “Success Runs in our Race”; Congressman and civil rights pioneer John Lewis (“Walking with the Wind: A Memoir of the Movement”); and Thomas M. Shapiro, Brandeis University professor and author of “The Hidden Cost of Being African American: How Wealth Perpetuates Inequality.”


The 200+ Scholars Breakfast is the signature event and major fundraiser for The 200+ Men Foundation. The event honors African American high school males who are graduating from Hampton Roads public and private schools with a 3.0 or better GPA. The Scholars Breakfast receives support from colleges and universities within and around the Commonwealth of Virginia, local public and private high schools, corporate partners and others. Each student that attends the event receives the coveted 200+ Scholars medallion. Scholarships are awarded to some of the honorees.

Brother to Brother Camp

The B2B Camp program, launched in 2006, is an intense adventure for 25-30 middle school-aged African American boys ages 13-14. The campers participate in straight talk and mentoring sessions with successful African American men, engage with peers and counselors in meaningful group discussions about their life challenges, learn about Virginia’s natural resources, enjoy a broad range of outdoor activities, and visit African American museums and historical sites. The underlying theme throughout the four-day journey is that these young boys will find strength in their past experiences, begin to discover a sense of purpose, and begin to imagine a bright future.

200+ Men Awards

The 200+ Men annually recognizes four individuals for demonstrating outstanding leadership in the Hampton Roads region. The John H. Johnson Award (named after the founder of Ebony magazine) is presented to a business leader; the Carter G. Woodson Award (named after the father of Black history month) is presented to an educator; the Samuel DeWitt Proctor (named after a local community leader, orator and minister who served in the administration of President John F. Kennedy) is presented for community service; and the John Lewis Award (named after the former Congressman who was also one of the organizers of the 1963 March on Washington) is presented to an African-American male high school student to recognize superior youth leadership.


  • The $1,000 200+ Men Scholarship is given to graduating members of the Scholars’ Academy who complete the program with a GPA of 3.0 or greater; ​

  • The $1,000 George Crawley Scholarship pays tribute to the first president of 200+ Men. It is awarded to two qualifying applicants with a GPA of 3.0 or greater;

  • The $1,000 William Harvey Goines Scholarship recognizes the deceased member of 200+ Men who was the first Black Navy SEAL. It is awarded to a qualifying applicant with a GPA of 3.0 or greater with at least two years in a high school JROTC program and who will attend an HBCU;
  • The $1,000 James A. Gray, Jr. Scholarship honors the longest serving president of 200+ Men, Inc. It is awarded to a qualifying applicant with a GPA of 3.0 or greater with preference given to a student who has been accepted to and plans to attend Hampton University; ​

  • The $1,000 Alice Lee Williams Sams Scholarship is awarded to a qualifying applicant with a 3.2 GPA or greater who has been accepted to and plans to attend Norfolk State University;

  • The $2,500 George Augustus III Scholarship honors the deceased 200+ Men member. It is awarded to a qualifying applicant with a GPA of 3.0 or greater who plans to major in engineering, information technology or medical sciences;

The Hampton Roads Committee of 200+ Men Inc.
support and advocate for laws and policies that:

Increase access and eliminate barriers to the voting ballot for all citizens.

  • The right to vote is the pathway to democratic freedom, racial equity, and social equality.

Eliminate the wealth disparity with a goal of achieving economic equity.

  • The wealth gap is a major factor in generational inequities in healthcare, education, housing, entrepreneurship homeownership, retirement, and other essential social needs. Equity in economic health enhances social cohesion, counteracts political polarization, and stimulates economic growth.

Increase access and eliminate barriers to quality and affordable healthcare with a goal of eliminating harmful and deadly health related disparities suffered by the Black community.

  • Access to quality healthcare, including mental health care is the first step toward addressing issues that contribute to worse health outcomes for Black Americans.

Advance social justice initiatives as an issue of human rights.

  • Eliminating oppressive inequities, barriers, and outcomes rooted in discriminatory laws, policies, and practices promote racial equity and builds a society that values equality, fairness, and inclusion for all.

Improve public K-12 educational opportunities and experiences of Black students and Black educators, eliminate barriers to academic success, and promote education equity.

  • Access to a quality educational experience that promotes high academic achievement, and cultural self-awareness generates academic experiences that lead to educator job satisfaction and student success.

About us

The Hampton Roads Committee of 200+ Men Inc. is an organization that transforms lives and communities. If you are looking to make a real difference, you have the power — by joining us, volunteering, and donating — to support our mission. Your contributions will make a real difference. It really does take a village.

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P.O. Box 99013
Norfolk, VA 23509

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